
Manure Vacuum

The Mensch Manure Vacuum cleans the alley in one pass, allowing more time to properly fill and groom freestall bedding. Minimized time in the alleyway means reduced wear and tear on equipment.

In efficiency tests, the Mensch Manure Vacuum was able to clean a 330 cow group (on 3x milking) in less than 10 minutes – including unloading!


The Fastest Way to Scrape!


Adapts to your farm design!


Simple Barn Design

Barns no longer need to have an integrated manure handling system during construction. The Manure Vacuum replaces the need for pumps, augers, and concrete channels to transport manure from the barn to the storage lagoon or process facility.

Reduce Expansion Cost

With the Manure Vacuum, when a dairy expands their facilities, there is no additional equipment to buy. The investment in the manure handling has already been made with a Manure Vacum

Cleaner Barnyards

The Manure Vacuum scraper cleans the alley ahead of the tires keeping the barnyards and roads cleaner.

Flexible Farm Design

With ever changing regulations and restrictions, manure systems are forced to change. The Manure Vacuum easily adapts to changes.

Remote Manure Processing

The location of the manure processing facilities is not limited to the ability to transfer the manure. The Manure Vacuum allows the transport of manure easily and reliably to anywhere on the dairy or even nearby.


Manufactured from the highest quality materials and components, the Mensch Manure Vacuum is built to last!


Simple Maintenance

The Manure Vacuum’s functionality is kept simple so maintenance and repairs can be done on the farm to reduce any down time.

The daily routine maintenance is as simple as a walk around inspection, greasing the scraper head and checking fluids.

Quick Maintenance

The scraper head is equiped with quick couplers and pins to easily change scraper heads for rubber replacement or overhaul maintenance on pins and bushings. In addition, many grease fittings are equipped with remote hoses to make routine maintenance quick and easy.


Standard Features

Heat / Conditioning
High quality springs on scraper arms
Longer lasting rubber on scraper arms that is easier to replace
Updated bushings on scraper arms
Foot brake
Improved auger drive system
Poly fenders


Full Suspension

Full suspension provides a smooth ride on all terrains around the farm

Auxiliary Suction

The auxiliary suction hose can be used to clean manure spills, watering troughs and runoff from silage.

Front Spreading

The front discharge spreader allows you to spread slurry manure from the front of the vacuum.

Dry Solids Break-up Agitator

The agitator breaks up extremely dry solids to provide faster, more efficient scraping and vacuuming of dry solids.

Tire Sizes

425 /65 R 22.5 (standard)
385 / 65 R 22.5
445 / 65 R 22.5


Rugged Cab Custruction

The redesigned cab features military-grade components for long service life with no controls on the floor to be damaged by corrosive manure and sand.

Easy to Clean

Easy to clean cab allows for complete cleaning without damaging durable components.

Excellent Visibility

The cab features a large windshield and side windows for better visibility of the scraper head.

Precise Control

The vacuum is controlled hydrostatically with a joystick for moving forward and reverse; this allows the operator to maintain engine rpm for vacuum speed while adjusting ground speed for different manure types.

Simple Operation

The toggle switches lock into position for the scraper and collection wings; allowing the operator to focus on maneuvering the machine.


Scraper Head

Patented Scraper System

The scraper head has a spring centering pivot that provides protection and safety to the machine and facility. Shear bolts on the collection wings allow them to fold around if they hit an obstacle instead of causing costly damage.

Adjustable Pressure

The scraper head has individually controlled down-pressure. With controlled down pressure, the scraper easily cleans up dry, pastey, sand-laden manure.

Collection Wings

The collection wings also have adjustable pressures that float the skis along the curb, allowing the operator to focus on maneuvering the machine.

Curb Skis

Skis are made from durable AR 400. Unlike pull type vacuums and automatic alley scrapers, the Manure Vacuum uses its curb skis to slide along alleyway curbs removing bacteria infested manure. This stops the bacteria from growing and the cows from tracking this manure into the freestalls.


Side Hatches


Side hatches provide easy access to the tank for servicing


Patented Unloading System

A full length auger in the bottom of the tank allows for quick and easy unloading of all types of manure from sloppy wet manure to dry pastey sand-laden manure.


Unloads 3000 gallons in approximately 50 seconds.


The gate valve controls the rate of unloading for specific applications, like discharging into a sand settling lane, mechanical sand separator, or manure digester.




The small turning circle makes it easy to turn in cross alleys around tight barns


The operator can select either 2-wheel or 4-wheel modes.


Standard dual rear cameras assist with backing up and navigating tight corners.




The large vacuum blower provides instant suction at the scraper head. No waiting for the tank to build vacuum pressure.


The powerful vacuum blower sucks up thick and heavy sand-laden manure from dry cow and heifer barns.


The domestic made vacuum blower is proven in many demanding and abusive industries such as oil fields, hydro digging, sewer cleaning trucks, and milking parlors.

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